bone injury

A Good Wine For Stronger Bones

Are you one of the many who prefers wine as their comfort beverage?  That instead of milk or a hot cup of fresh brew, you would rather uncork that chilled bottle of red wine and just relax and enjoy the moment. But if you are in the healing process from a back, spine or a bone injury in general, do you think a glass of wine is good for you? Your orthopedic doctors can tell you the safest food and drink that you should take while recovering. Although a little cheat won’t probably hurt, do you think?

The Benefits Of Red Wine

So before anything else, let’s dig into the positive points of red wine and why aside from being a hit drink anywhere there are rumors spreading about its health benefits too.

Red wine is a product of dark-colored grapes, fermented and crushed. Not all red wines are the same. They all vary in color and in taste. Their alcohol content also varies from 12% to 15%. Drinking red wine moderately enables the body to absorb its powerful antioxidants, which is just one of the many benefits of red wine.

The French community strongly believes that red wine helps them to live a healthy lifestyle and has the lowest rate of having heart diseases. They also believe that red wine has certain dietary compounds that protect them from harmful food elements.

The antioxidants that red wine contains, such as resveratrol, present a lot of health benefits. It can also prevent certain cancer and heart diseases. It reduces the threat of dementia and depression. Lowers the resistance of insulin and type 2 diabetes. These revesterol also known as polyphenols are also capable of protecting and making bones stronger.

Don’t Drink The Whole Bottle

Now, while red wine has unpacked itself with lots of health benefits, there are also some downside effects if you’ve consumed too much of this grape extract.

  • Dependence on alcohol.
  • Life-threatening liver diseases.
  • Depression or anxiety.
  • Gaining additional calories
  • May cause other diseases, including death.

When you are told to drink moderately this is what it means:

  • For women1-1.5 glasses/day
  • For men1-2 glasses/day
  • Have at least 1 or 2 days wine-free days per week.

If you practice yourself to the limitation of your red wine consumption your bones will benefit a lot from being moderate. It will give your bones certain minerals and vitamins compared to non-drinkers.

The threat to bone health is one of the concerns of people nowadays like osteoporosis, fractures, and injuries.  And while there’s a great deal of ways for you to guard and care of your bones well, red wine wholly supports the improvement of the bones and its tissues. So if you think having that glass of wine once in a while could not help you with your bone injury, then maybe this time you will.

Since red wine also contains components that can greatly increase the metabolism of the bones, beer on the other hand also has the same benefit as red wine. The positive effects can be evidently noticeable as you age and when you keep a healthy lifestyle during the recovery process of your bones.

In order to get your broken bones to heal faster you should load up your everyday diet with the following minerals and vitamins:

  • Rich in calcium foods.
  • Vitamin K foods.
  • Lean protein.
  • Lots of Vitamin C.
  • Zinc

Then control yourself from consuming too much of the following food because they will never contribute to the recovery and strengthening of your bones:

  • Sodium rich foods.
  • Sugar overloaded treats.
  • Soda.
  • Too much caffeine.
  • Binge drinking of alcohol.
  • Beans and legumes.
  • Inflammatory foods like tomatoes, white potatoes, mushrooms, peppers, and eggplants.
  • Raw spinach and chard.
  • Red meat

Now you know that red wine is not at all bad for you and your bones. In fact, it is rich with health benefits for as long as you ingest it into your system moderately. Remember, too much of everything is not good. You can have your orthopedic surgeons  Woodbridge guide you with the proper beverages you can drink without the guilt of not helping your bones to improve and recover fast. Your bones depend on you too as much as you do to your body. Because your productive mobility depends on how strong your bones really are.

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