tree cutting services

Tree Removal – How To Identify A Diseased Tree

Do you have trees in your back or front yard? Surely they would be well taken care of. But, can you recognize when your tree needs a professional examination or when it has caught diseases or when it has been severely infested that it is on the verge of death? And if that’s the case then you will need the help of tree removal services.

Trees can also catch diseases, get ill, weak and die. But, all these things go unnoticed by the untrained eye, and when it is known it gets too late. The last stage of a tree is that it will fall off and die a tragic death along with posing a threat to the nearby landscape, the property and even someone’s life.

How To Know A Tree Has Gotten A Disease?

Before a tree gets a disease which tends to be fatal and results in tree removal, it starts to show certain signs. These signs are not known to a common man but are known to a professional tree service. The signs listed below will help you in identifying a diseased, ill and dying tree.


When a tree is in its weakest stage, the growth of the leaves stop even in the blooming season. When you notice bare branches or branches with little or no leaf growth it could be a red flag. Also discolored leaves is a sign of a diseased tree. Discoloration means yellow or brown leaves growth. Usually leaves all off in the winter season, but if you see leaves still clinging on to branches in the winters, it means that the leaves are dead and the tree has started to decay.


The sign of a healthy tree is a smooth bark. But, if you see big and small cracks in the bark or chunks of wood missing from the bark without re growth is an alarming sign. The bark protects the trunk and provides the nutrients. A diseased tree will show huge amounts of peeling bark with the trunk being exposed. Some trees do go through peeling bark every year with new bark growing back in its place but if you see abnormal peeling then you should call in the professionals.

Fungus Growth

Growth of fungus, mushrooms or presence of mildew type structure also is a sign of decay. Fungus may be of different types and would be a different type for different species of trees. The most common type is associated with brown moldy growth with millions of tiny white pores like structures at the base of the tree which may also turn black. Fungus means that the tree has begun to rot internally.


A fluid coming out of the tree is also dangerous. The fluid will be collected at the base of the tree, will have a bad odor and will also leave dark brown liquid streaks on the bark. The fluid is sticky and thick.


If the branches are falling off and collecting at the base the tree is nearing its death stage. Small falling twigs is a healthy sign of a tree but extensive fall of twigs and big branches is not a good sign. The branches have become so weak, dry and brittle that they are beginning to fall off.


Swarms of insects on the tree branches, barks and leaves and holes created by wood boring pests and insects is also a sign of a decaying tree. When a tree starts to decay, it attracts many small insects which feed on the barks and nutrients of the tree creating holes in the branches and the bark. This infestation of the insects weakens the tree and makes the branches brittle.

Structural Change

The end stage of a diseased and dying tree is that it will become lopsided or lean towards one side and be in a bending position. This is a complete red flag. Because then the tree can fall any time. It has become so weak that even a sharp gust of wind and snow can knock down the tree and lead to death of beings and pose threat to the environment. If you notice any change in structure call in tree cutting services Bethesda.

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Tree Cutting Services: Things To Watch Out When Felling A Tree

When you looking to fall a tree you should note that there are plenty of dangers that the practice comes with. Due to this, it’s always wise that you hire tree cutting services providers to help you out.

If you feel that you can cut the tree by yourself, you should go ahead and do it, but be cautious of the dangers that it comes with. Some of the things you should be on the lookout for include:

Staying too close to the tree

This is common with people that are used to cutting trees. When they are cutting the tree, they stay too close to it. I don’t know if it’s because they feel they are well acquainted with the trees.

Whatever the reason, you should know that it’s very dangerous to stay too close to the tree especially when it’s in the blink of coming down.

According to tree experts, the danger zone of a standing tree is the circle around the center of the stump. You also should avoid standing or being close to a distance that is within two-lengths of the tree you are bringing down.

This is because you are at high risk of getting hit by the falling tree. The tree can also hit you as it hits the ground.

For you to be on the safe side you should ensure that you are as far away from the tree as much as possible.

Failing to protect your ears

You use chainsaws to bring down the trees. As you might know, the machines are noisy, which is harmful to your ears. One of the mistakes you can make is to cut the trees without wearing the right hearing protection.

There are plenty of ear protectors in the market that you can go with. There are headphones, earplugs, and other units that you can use. For you to get the most from them, ensure that they are of high quality.

For the units to last for a long time, you need to properly maintain them. This calls for you to clean them regularly. You also should avoid dropping them hence putting them at the risk of breaking.

When you cut the trees without protecting your ears, you put yourself at the risk of suffering from noise-induced hearing loss.

Getting hit by broken limbs or top

Broken limbs or tops caught in the branches of a standing tree might be hidden from sight. In the event they are dislodged as the tree starts moving, they can hit you. The key to avoiding the accident from coming about is to be extra cautious when cutting the tree.

If you notice a broken limb, you should come up with a way of managing it. If possible, use a machine to dislodge the hazard. Another highly effective way of curbing the issue is driving the hazard with another tree.

Incorrect or poor tree felling technique

There is a lot of risks that come when you lose control and end up making an incorrect cut. You are bound to make these mistakes when:

  • You don’t properly asses the tree
  • You don’t properly clear the area around the tree
  • You don’t leave an adequate escape route in the event of an emergency
  • You over-cut the scarf
  • You stand in the wrong position when putting in the back cut
  • When the tree is falling, you don’t retreat far enough
  • Walking directly behind the falling tree
  • Continuing to make the back cut even after the tree has started to fall

For you to avoid this risk you should undertake a thorough assessment of the tree. Are you experienced enough to effectively bring down a large tree? If you aren’t, consider hiring a competent faller to help you out. Ensure that the faller has the necessary qualifications to complete the task.

You also should ensure that you use the right tree cutting tools.

Cutting dead trees

Another danger that comes about is cutting a dead tree. Broken, dead, or rotten trees are unpredictable and very dangerous when you don’t handle them properly. Dead trees can fall in any direction without warning. They also might break up as they are falling.

To protect yourself, ensure that you have cut down a dead tree before you even begin cutting the others. Carefully go around the area and confirm if there are any dead trees that might put your life in danger.

Getting struck from behind by a tree

This has resulted in plenty of serious injuries. You can be struck by a tree from behind due to various reasons. One of the reasons is the vibration of the large tree hitting the ground might be enough to cause a dead or unstable tree to fall.

As you are removing a tree that is sheltering an unstable tree, you might expose it to the wind causing it to fall.

To avoid hurting yourself you should leave enough room between you and the tree. Always stay as far away from the tree as much as possible.

The danger of the hung-up tree

A hung-up tree is a cut-up, uprooted, withdrawn, or pushed over a tree that is caught or stuck against another tree thus preventing it from falling to the ground. Tree removal companies Chevy Chase advice against ever working under a hung-up tree. When you notice a hung-up tree, get rid of it as soon as possible.

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