
Enjoy Swimming While Protecting Your Hair At The Same Time

Swimming has been one of the sport and activity that is loved by many. Although it could be damaging to the at some point, you can always visit any hair salons to get the treatment that can fix your hair. However, doing that will only cost you so much if you are to sum up the visits and treatments you’ve had every time you get a damaged hair. Even professional swimmers have their own hair regimen to protect it from any damage. You can also take care of those strands without going to the salon regularly. So no matter how often you plunge yourself into the water, you won’t worry about tangled and chlorine damaged hair anymore.

Stated below are ways that can help you protect your hair no matter how often you dive in.

Swim Your Way Through These Hair Care Tips

The “Before Swimming” Regimen

  • Wet your hair first.
    • Soaking your hair in the shower will help minimize the salt from the beach water and chlorine from the pool that can potentially be absorbed by your hair. This practice can give your hair the opportunity to take in fresh water first, leaving less space for other water elements to squeeze into those strands. Too much exposure to chlorine and beach water can lead to hair dryness and breakage.
  • Coat your Hair.
    • Rubbing a hair protectant or oil can reduce some chlorine to penetrate into your as it also gently moisturizes your locks. Coconut oil is the most common protectant being applied on the hair, although you can also try other hair creams which have sun protection and UV shield to prevent any damage from the sun.
  • Style your hair before swimming.
    • Remember that your hair is like a sponge that easily absorbs chemicals that are being applied to it or suck in chlorine whenever you go on a plunge. So styling it into a braid, knot or bun can really protect your hair from those harsh elements. Doing this will also minimize your chances of having tangles and frizzy hair.
  • Ditch the swimming cap.
    • Although you see professional swimmers wear swimming caps like during a tournament, we thought that their hair won’t get soaked. But on the contrary, it doesn’t really work 100% that way. Actually, swim caps can be a hassle on your hair as it can also cause a push and pull on your strands. This can be the start of hair breakage. If you really have to wear a swimming cap, make sure that it won’t pressure your edges. Plus, make it a habit to apply some cream or oil on your hair strands before putting on your swim cap.

The “After Swimming” Regimen

  • Shampoo after your Swim
    • Don’t just use any ordinary shampoo. It’s highly advisable that you rinse your hair with a normalizing or clarifying shampoo. This will wash out the chlorine that your hair has collected during your swim. You just have to make the best choice in purchasing a clarifying shampoo because most of them can dry your hair so always check the label before giving it a go. If you prefer a more natural clarifying solution
  • Apply Conditioner after you shampoo.
    • Use a deep conditioning masque right after you shampoo. This will restore the lost moisture of your hair from swimming.
  • Use a wide tooth comb
    • Hair experts could not stress this enough, but using a wide tooth comb can easily detangle your hair and prevent breakage without stressing your locks.

Now if you wanted to enjoy your summer or anytime you feel like diving in always include in your “to-do-list” the ways to protect your hair. Although, of course, you can always ask top rated hair salons potomac to treat your hair if it goes really damaged due to uncontrollable reasons and situations. Remember that your hair is your crowning glory and many are relying their confidence on how their looks like. True enough that your hair texture appears different after you swim in the pool or on the beach due to the various elements that affect each strand. There is no stopping someone who loves the water and if you are one of them, make sure that you always consider your dos benefits first before you be sorry.

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