Hip Pain

When to go through hip replacement?

There was a time when you heard about hip replacement surgery rarely but now you will find many more such instances. What is the need of the surgeries? If you are having a hip pain, you must get through the given details of the surgery.

What is Hip Replacement?

Hip replacement is the last thing to heal the hip pain, where the physical hip bone has to be replaced with the help of an artificial hip. This is generally made of metal. Following is the reason for which the treatment should be considered:

  • Relief of pain
  • An increase in your limb mobility
  • Easy activities in the course of daily living
  • To find a better quality of life for yourself.

When to Go For Hip Replacement

Here are the details of the people who can go for hip replacement:

  • Often this hip replacement is done for those, who has broken or fractured the hip bone. In most of the cases, they are joined by general treatments and medications. However, in some of the cases, the fracture can be such that cannot be joined. You can go through the hip replacement then.
  • There was a concept among the doctors that hip replacement will reduce the activity of the people. This is why they were often done for the people, who are 60 years old and above. Now, after many researches, doctors found that they are very much effective to make patients active in their life. The injury can be resolved ideally, without much complication. So, they are suggesting patients with hip injury for the replacement surgery.
  • Researchers even suggest the patients to go for the surgery, even before the ultimate condition. Under such situation, the different nerves, tendons remain active and thus recovery is much easier at that level. Earlier it was thought it will generate different complexities so doctors suggested for the treatment at the last condition. Presently, the doctors are recommending the surgery to the patients who are not in the last condition.

The above things state that popularity of hip replacement is growing everyday and even the doctors are recommending different patients for the same. People are looking ahead to know more about the treatment and orthopedic doctor woodbridge va. Above information will be perfect for all of them, who want to know different things about hip replacement. All you need to search for the best doctor or surgeon of your area.


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Hip Surgery- an ultimate remedy for Hip Pain

Hip Surgeon, is the need of most of the people above the age of 60 who suffer from mild to acute hip pain or stiffness. People suffering from hip pain find it very difficult to walk, bend over to pick up things or to perform exercise. It becomes very difficult for them to lead their normal and active life.

The hip is nothing but a ball and a socket joint similar to the ball and the socket joints in arms, knees, elbows or ankle. The ball on the top of the femur bone known as femoral head fits into the socket which is known as acetabulum, situated in pelvis. This ball makes a rotational movement in order to allow the legs to make forward, backward or sideways movement. There is a hip joint, surrounded by various tissues and fluid which makes the movement easier and reduces the friction among the bones.

Causes and Symptoms of Hip Pain

The main causes of hip pain are

  • Wear and tear of the ball and socket bones
  • Inflammation of the cartilaginous tissues around the joint.
  • External injury from a fall or the hip gets hurt.
  • Hip Fracture
  • Sciatic nerve which originates from the spinal cord may get inflamed
  • Inflammation of femoral cutaneous nerves during pregnancy.
  • Pain can also arise of hernia, both inguinal and femoral type.
  • Bone Cancer

The symptoms are primarily,       

  • Acute pain in the area surrounding Hip and Buttocks
  • Limping or walking with support
  • Unable to bear the body weight
  • Bending or a stooping posture

Remedial measures of Hip Pain

Whenever the above symptoms become acute and the person is not able to stand or walk properly, then they tend to seek medical help. If one has faced some accident and is suffering from broken hip then he should visit the best surgeon. There are several medications available for gradual and intermittent pain in the hip. Good rest, ice pack and pain killers can give temporary relief in case of Hip Pain. If the pain is acute and the normal activity of life is not restored after regular medication, then Hip replacement surgery is the only alternative. In this process, the femoral head is removed and is replaced artificial joints which with metal or plastic materials. The best hip doctor woodbridge va can make the life a little easy and relieve the person from the acute pain and this will help to regain their normal activities in life.


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